The Port of Oslo in 1798 logo

About the project

This is an interactive experience developed by Tidvis with the aim of giving the public access to Oslo's history in new and exciting ways.

The Port of Oslo in 1798 is an interactive experience along the Harbour Promenade in Oslo. Sights, sounds and scents are recreated so that you can get a sensory impression of Oslo and Norway’s history and art history at the end of the 18th century. Visually, and through sound, The Port of Oslo in 1798 is a digital world. It is nevertheless moored to the physical world by scent boxes and the emphasis on location.

The Port of Oslo in 1798 can be experienced on smartphones, tablets and PCs. For the full experience you should stand in the places recreated: seeing, listening and smelling what characterised them in 1798. You should also reflect on this, and how these places have changed.

Gaming technology and virtual reality are used to develop the digital part of the experience. Signs on “the orange containers” along the Harbour Promenade are physical gateways to the digital world, but also provide information. They are also where the scent boxes are located.

The buildings, harbour area and all other aspects of the experience of The Port of Oslo in 1798 are based on research done by historians, cultural historians and archaeologists. Links to references to the research, as well as further information are provided in connection to the experiences.

The first part of the project started January and ended in June 2018. In this the majority of the 3D models were made.

The second part of the project started January 2019 and ended in May. In this part the model is expanded and made interactive.

Here you can download the models from the first part of the project as Unity project files on Itch.

Here are the files for the second part.

The Port of Oslo in 1798 and its content is available at a CC-BY-SA-licence. We encourage people to download, use, remix and build upon our work, as long as they share new content on the same terms and refer to Tidvis AS.

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